I am learning to spot my patterns of thought. I am constantly
working to turn things to my own advantage. Any object, situation,
relationship, or circumstance could be an opportunity for me. I can harness it,
build something out of it, network with it, preach about it, or share it with a
friend. A sunny day needs to be leveraged for outdoor stuff. A new acquaintance
builds my network of friends. A fallen tree is firewood or building material. A
cancelled meeting gives me time to catch up on my reading. My mind is bent on
maximizing every opportunity.
That is a matter of stewardship, of course. Paul tells the
Colossians to make the most of every opportunity (Colossians 4:5). But this way
of thinking also becomes a burden. I even feel like I have to maximize my times
of quietly sitting in the Lord’s presence. What did I get out of that 20
minutes? Could I have gotten more?
Working to leverage everything becomes tiring. It keeps me
from purely enjoying the moment—its depth, wonder, beauty, peace, simplicity. I
miss out because I have to make sure that I don’t miss out. I’m focused on
myself, not the Holy Spirit.
At some level I feel the pressure of Jesus’s parable in
Matthew 25. You probably know it. That’s the story of the man who plans to go
out of town. Before leaving he entrusts sums of money with some servants. He apparently
expects them to invest the money and make more. When the master returns, some
of the servants had doubled the money. The master praises them, saying, “Well
done, good and faithful servant.” The servant who failed to invest his money is
treated harshly and called “wicked” and “lazy.”
I want to be a “well done-r,” not a “wicked lazy-er.” That creates
a relentless drive to maximize every opportunity. That drive can get us out of
sync with the heart of God. We can work so hard for his commendation that we
lose sight of his love. We want to make ourselves look good, especially in comparison
to others. So we turn the work of God into competition. And we lose the joy. We
actually miss opportunities to express and share the love of Christ.
I want to stop leveraging every opportunity to make myself look
good. It’s not about me. I can stop engineering circumstances to my advantage.
I can enjoy the beauty of a day or a flower without stressing over how I can
use it. I can welcome friendships as opportunities to love others, not enrich
my network.
I never really feel like I measure up to the, “well done” commendation.
Maybe if I truly seek to love God and to love people... maybe that will be doing
well. Jesus seems to say so.