I have a confession to make. I have been way too slack about confessing my sins to God. I have taken for granted that Jesus died on the cross for me, that I have received his gift of forgiveness, and that my sins are all gone. That is all true. But I can't take it for granted. I need to confess my sins. In my daily time with Jesus, I need to make sure that I acknowledge specifically how I need to repent.
I have often noticed a distance from the Lord, like my relationship with him is just flat. As I am reading through Tim Keller's book on prayer, I obviously came across the importance of confession. Oh yeah. I need to do that. Not just because I am supposed to, but because I need the life that comes from openly, specifically agreeing with God about my sin.
I began listing my sin. It's worse than I thought. Realizing one sin helps me realize another. I'm not wallowing in woe-is-me depression. I'm just seeing that addressing these areas of "missing the mark" will help me live more like God wants me to. Duh.
Confession brings life. Wow!