I'm learning to notice my thinking and to shine the light of truth on it. Satan loves to trick me, ever so subtly. I just discovered another lie that has controlled me way too much.
It goes like this: "You can't have peace just now. You have to wait until [fill in the blank]."
In my life that blank is almost constantly full. I have to wait until I arrive at my destination, finish a conversation, finish my daily Bible reading, solve a problem, complete a task, win people's approval, finish an event... Of course the list is endless.
Then I can have peace...provided that the blank isn't immediately filled in with something else. Seems like it always is.
Here's the truth: I can have peace right now. Jesus came to bring us peace. "I have told you these things," Jesus said, "so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Here is a whole list of other lies that I fall for far too often: Lies That I Believe.