Thursday, July 25, 2019

Super-Sized Serving this August!

At Crossroads we are challenging our folks to a 31-day challenge. In the month of August, we are urging our congregation to serve someone each day in an intentional, non-routine way. It could be as simple as making a special effort to pick up that piece of litter in the grocery store parking lot. Or it could be something major like committing to foster a child. 

The point is this: each day, do some act of service that you would not ordinarily do--or become more intentional about a customary act of service. Tune in to the leadership of God's Spirit, and let him show you how acts of kindness make a difference. To help you think of ways to serve, both big and small, we have created a list.  

Get ready for your month of service. Here are some ways to prepare.
  • Print out the list of Super-Sized Serving ideas and check the ones you could do.
  • Put on your calendar some of the time intensive service opportunities, like volunteering at a charity.
  • Ask a friend or family member to join you on some of your serving "capers."
  • Set a daily reminder on your phone, so you will be tuned in for random acts of service.
  • Get creative and brainstorm with friends about ways to serve.
  • Get ready to have fun and see the Spirit of God at work!
Image may contain: 4 people, indoor