Countries around the world are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic as best they can. Some are severely curtailing any human interactions in public or private spaces. Some countries are less severe in their restrictions, allowing people to continue their lives more normally.
Authorities have to work through some grave cost-benefit analysis. If everyone avoided all human interaction, the spread of the disease would virtually cease. Lives would be saved.
But limited interaction obviously harms economies. We all know people who cannot work because of social distancing restrictions. At what point does economic deprivation also cause death? Some cannot afford food. Some cannot afford medicine. Some sink into depression because of money problems and loneliness. Economic hardship can also cost lives.
What is the right balance of social distancing and allowing economic transactions? This is such a difficult calculation with a new, highly contagious, deadly disease.
Which country will choose the best course of action, the course that saves the most lives? May we all seek wisdom and bravely try to do the right thing.