Our economic system has its flaws. Capitalism is based on property rights, enlightened self-interest, and freedom. But it can go wrong. Greed, abuse, and selfishness taint the system. The rich have the freedom to exploit the poor.
But something is changing. The big corporations seem to be showing genuine compassion for the little people. Companies are offering services for free. Utilities are forgoing shutoffs for power and water. Manufacturers are repurposing their plants (sometimes under duress) to make personal protective equipment and ventilators.
TV commercials are offering comfort and help from the big, rich companies.
So this could be capitalism's finest hour. This could be the time that big business demonstrates a motive other than greed. They can show compassion, mercy, and genuine caring.
God envisioned a society where there would be no poor among the people. While that's idealistic, I pray that our society might now be headed in the right direction. May this be a real paradigm shift for our economy and culture.
Love is more powerful than greed.