Thursday, February 1, 2024

A time to hack and cut

I hate kudzu. You know how it takes over. You see it swallowing trees all along the highway. It has been swallowing trees on my farm for decades. I've been working for years to get rid of it, and I attacked a section of it this week. With a weed eater, a knife, clippers, and a chainsaw I tore into the jungle. It revealed beauty that I never realized was there. It's going to look like a park in the spring.

I had obviously known it was there, but I had never really gone after it. If I had known how good it would look, I would have done this years ago.

And so it is with life. Many things in life need my attention. I barely notice them. But when I finally put forth the effort to make a change, I'm amazed at the results. I'm ready to hack away at more kudzu, and I'm noticing where I can uncover the hidden beauty. 

This is the season for removing kudzu. It's dormant, its roots and vines are easier to find and cut. When the time is right, I need to go for it.

I need to notice when the time is right for dealing with life's issues: financial, relational, organizational, and spiritual. Who knows what beauty I can uncover?