Sunday, February 4, 2024

Egg count

I recently complained that my chickens were lazy, not laying enough eggs. I have about a dozen hens who could lay. Some are older than others, and less likely to lay, but seven of the ladies are less than a year old. Seems like they could step up.

I thought I owed them this word of encouragement.

I have now collected four eggs every day for the last four days. Yay! The days are getting longer, and the extra daylight is supposed to help them lay. 

I do try to treat my chickens well. I see them every day and make sure they have all the food, water, treats, and space they need. They are all free range with a moveable fence to keep them safe from predators. I want them to enjoy life.

And I also want them to contribute to my breakfast.

Maybe they will start reading my blog, too.