Sometimes I'm a slow learner. I can't afford to be now. I've got so much to learn.
I want to thank my black friends for talking to me openly about this issue. I want to thank my daughter for posting a video by Nicole Walters that opened my eyes. I want to thank Chief for sending me videos that got through to my white mind. My friend Earnest opened up about his experiences through life as a black man in America. I'm sorry that I had not really asked him about it until now.
I have also had friends share with me a podcast that offers a different point of view, and one that I need to hear, even if I disagree.
It is not enough not to be a racist. I need to be anti-racist. I need to speak up. I need to notice injustice and do something about it.
I'm learning how the justice system and laws have worked to marginalize African Americans.
I have prayed and cried a lot this week.
I want to thank my black friends for being patient with me and loving me, even though I have no clue what they experience every single day.
I am so blessed with friends. They remind me that Jesus loves me, even when I'm ignorant, even when I am blind and deaf. It's Jesus in them that allows them to love me.