Where God guides, God provides. If God was truly leading me and my family to move to Stokesdale and start a new church, he would have to make some provisions along the way.
First we needed a stream of income. The wave of church planting was in its infancy, and there were not many avenues for funding. I had to find the right channels and ask the right people. With the Lord's help, we found financial help to get the ball rolling. Our local association of churches, the Baptist State Convention of NC, and three local congregations agreed to provide monthly assistance for our first year.
In some ways the money was the easy part. More importantly, we needed people. But first we had to move into the community.
Now buying a house is never easy. But we had no equity, having lived in parsonages for ten years. And I had no job either. I was planning to create a job. These are not stelar points on a loan application, even in 1999. And so we went house shopping anyway. After considerable angst, we found the perfect house, affordable and functional. Just before closing, the bank balked, but finally came through when we got a co-signer.
Once we moved to Stokesdale in September 1999, we began inviting people to our home for cookouts and Bible studies. Slowly we gathered a handful of friends who wanted to be part of a new church.
It took time, prayer, and patience, but God provided what we needed.