Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Inspiration in Oppression

We have a problem with our history. The United States began with a revolution, as patriots rebelled against the British. The Declaration of Independence enumerates the grievances that led Americans to take up arms. When things got so bad, we fought back.

The problem is that Americans today may believe that violence is the solution to our current political struggles. As we approach election season, our country is likely to be more polarized. As we saw three years ago, some are willing to resort to violence when they believe the system isn't working. When the system did not work in 1776, Americans took up arms.

Right now, many Americans believe there are such problems with our election process that an election could be stolen. Some are busily sowing seeds of doubt about our polling systems, so that when the "wrong" candidate wins, they can cry foul. 

But Jesus told his followers to love their enemies. He said to turn the other cheek. He responded to hatred with love, and followed his own principles to his death. In his execution, Jesus won his victory. Then he rose from the dead. Death itself could not stop him.

Where will Americans find their inspiration this election year?