Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sponsored by someone who wants your money

Watching football means watching commercials. The Super Bowl proves that point. Of course, there are commercials on virtually all TV programs. It makes sense (at least to us Americans) for sponsors to pay for programming. And it further makes sense that the sponsors would want my money in return.

In this world, we swim in an ocean of advertising. Everywhere we watch, listen, drive, walk, scroll, everywhere we find messages from people who want our money. It makes me feel a little jaded and guarded. My default attitude is No. I'm not gonna spend money on that, whatever it is.

The relentless world of advertising makes me seek out times and places where I can get away from it all. I can sit on the porch or walk in the woods. I can remember that the Lord is not trying to extract something from me. He just wants to enjoy my presence. That's worth more than all the money.