Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mission Trip Send-Off

Last year I went with the youth group on their mission trip. This year, it’s a little different for me, because I’m not going with them. Lisa and I planned not to go, so that our 14-year-old daughter could have the blessing of not having her parents along for the ride.

It is a different experience, staying home, wondering what they will be doing every day. Tonight the youth will have their lock-in, and they will leave tomorrow morning at 4 a.m., driving to Indianapolis.

I’m praying for God to protect them, to teach them and to challenge them. I’m asking God to draw our youth closer to himself and closer to each other. I’m asking him to build their community. I’m praying for the adults to be stretched and to learn more about the heart of God. Last year was a life-changing experience for everyone, and I’m expecting God to continue his good work.

I’m also praying for the people they will serve. God knows who these people are, and he may use our group to answer many prayers. I’m praying for the other youth groups who will be working along side our kids. Many friendships begin through these mission trips.

It may be hard to stay put while others are away serving. It’s just a different experience for me. Prayer is essential for undergirding God’s work. I expect to spend a lot of time on my knees. And I expect God to make difference for eternity through our youth group’s mission trip.