Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Giving Jesus

The Christmas season is fully upon us now.  I want the season to be full of Jesus, not busyness and stress.  

To maintain my focus, I’m working to keep in touch with Jesus.  I really like spending time in prayer and Bible reading, but somehow that gets tough in December.  I want to spend my early morning time with him, so that I have something to give during the rest of the day.

I’m also looking for ways to give Jesus when I’m out in public.  It is easy for me to become absorbed in my “mission,” whether it is filling the car with gas, or finding some item on sale.  I’m training myself to look around and notice the people around me.  Then Jesus can use me to bring a smile, a word of encouragement or a helping hand.

With gift giving, our family is looking for opportunities to give gifts that change the world.  World Vision has a “gift catalog” with various gifts that can be given in honor of a friend or family member.  My family had a great time flipping through the catalog and imagining which gifts we would most like to give on behalf of which people.  You can give a cow, a goat, a chicken or a deep well.  You can also give a fish pond, a fishing kit or a duck.  People in developing countries need these gifts so that they can take care of their own families, without depending on outside help.

We are also planning to give generously to our church’s Christmas offering.  The offering will support local and international efforts to share the love of Jesus.  I’m excited about the ministries and the impact they have on the world.

Jesus gave himself to us.  He wants us freely to share his love with the world.  That makes life more fun for us, and it gives real life to those around us.