Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It seems like life comes in waves. Right now we've got a few waves to ride. We have a group of 18 people going with us to Catalyst Conference, and some of us are leaving in about an hour and a half. We've also got a wave of opportunity for Crossroads as we purchase a new building. That is opening up all kinds of possibilities for ministry and worship. Then, this weekend my daughter is in a play, Mulan, her first acting experience. That has been a blast for her.

Life doesn't get boring, that's for sure.

For now, I'm praying for our group attending Catalyst to hear the voice of God. He wants to take all of us to a new level -- individually and as a fellowship. These are exciting times!

I'm grateful for the waves God sends our way. Sometimes I think I'm going to drown, but he always pulls us through. And I would not have it any other way.