Sometimes we face situations by ourselves. When David was fleeing from Saul in 1Sam. 21, he runs to the priest at Nob. The priest asks, "Why are you alone? Why is no one with you?" The priest knew David, and knew that he never traveled alone. The priest was obviously -- and rightfully -- concerned about David's situation.
We may need to ask that question more these days. Might need to ask ourselves the question. Why am I facing this situation all alone? Am I shutting people out? Am I avoiding meaningful conversations? Or is this situation just one of things you have to do alone? I think that only a very few situations are really that isolating. We just choose to go it alone. And it only makes it worse.
David's response to the question is interesting. Like any normal person, he lies. "Oh...uh...I'm on a secret mission for the king. Yeah, that's it." Sure you are. I get the feeling that the priest doesn't buy it, but he agrees to help David anyway. He gives him bread and a sword.
Does anyone ever ask you why you are living life alone? Do you respond truthfully to that? If you are a loner, you may be cutting yourself off from the best things in life. After all, the best things in life are relationships, not achievements.
We work so hard to achieve something in life. If we succeed, then we may become proud and self-centered. If we fail, we may feel dejected and worthless. But "success" in the world's eyes is really not the point.
What we really long for is relationship. That is the substance of fulfillment in life. God gives us a relationship with him through Jesus Christ. He then empowers every other relationship we have.
We don't have to do life alone. Reach out to someone.