I believe that prayer is essential to the work of the kingdom of God. But I feel guilty when I "work" without producing anything. I would rather put dates on a calendar, make a list of sermon titles, look up words in the original language, even read a book. Those things look much more productive than prayer. And I have something to show for it. That makes me feel better about myself. It feeds my addiction.
Dallas Willard says that ministry leaders should, above all, live a life of satisfaction in the Lord. If I am satisfied with Jesus, then life has a whole new electricity. There is freedom, excitement, and joy all around me, when I'm already satisfied in him. Production can freely flow, when I'm satisfied in him.
But production is only a byproduct. When I grit my teeth to produce, I become frustrated, uncreative and dull. I keep his life from flowing through me. Prayer is the key to my satisfaction in Jesus, even though it looks unproductive.
But I feed my production addiction, and limit the power and presence of God in my life. I need to get over feeling guilty about prayer, so I can really be with Jesus. I can ask him for wisdom, let his power flow, and grow in my satisfaction in him. Sounds like what Jesus had in mind all along.