"I wonder if fear is not our main obstacle to prayer. When we enter into the presence of God and start to sense the huge reservoir of fear inside us, we want to run away into the many distractions, which our busy world offers so abundantly. But we shouldn't be afraid of our fears. We can confront them, give words to them, and lead them into the presence of the One who says, 'Be not afraid. It is I.'" --Henri Nouwen, as quoted by Brennan Manning in
Ragamuffin Gospel

Fears lose their power when we "give words to them." Fear can be a looming sense of nebulous dread. I find that virtually any fear of mine melts away, almost comically, when I put it into words. Even if the thing I dread comes true, it typically brings me no real harm.
Fear easily hinders my prayer life. My thoughts go in circles, and I cannot focus. I become mentally exhausted. When I should have been wrestling in prayer, I have merely been wrestling in my mind. Naming or describing that thing I dread cuts it down to size. No matter what the fear, it can never overwhelm Jesus.
When I put fear in its place, I am free to speak to God and to hear his voice. Then I can really wrestle in prayer, with problems, decisions, and goals. That wrestling is not easy, but it beats going around in circles, distracted from the heart of God.
He puts my fears in their place.