You get lost.
You don't know where you are,
It's foggy.
Finally the sun breaks through,
The fog lifts.
You see things as they are.
They've always been that way,
Or have they?
Now you see the pasture and the cows,
The farmhouse.
You recognize the intersection,
You see things as they are.
The friend disappoints and leaves you stranded,
They don't care.
The doctor brings the bad news from the test,
Could be worse.
Sarcasm hits a tender target in your soul,
She meant it.
Do you see things as they are?
Fog lifts and now we see all there is to see,
Can it be?
Plain as day to me, so obvious but,
There is more.
I see things as they are to me,
Not to you.
I can see things as they are, but you cannot.
Or maybe there's more than I can see.
I need to see with humility.