Next month Crossroads Community Church will be 25 years old. We launched as a church on February 13, 2000 with our first public worship service in the Stokesdale Elementary School cafeteria. We had imported some musicians from Burlington and some attendees from a sponsor church in Eden. As people gathered to worship, I didn't know who was borrowed from our mother church and who was a potential member of Crossroads. There was so much I did not know...
We are celebrating our 25th Anniversary on February 16, 2025 in style! We have guest speakers, special music, and a few surprises to commemorate the day. We also will serve a fully catered meal to the whole crowd. Everyone is invited, of course, but we especially want to see people who have been blessed by Crossroads over the years. It will be like a family reunion!
Although our first public worship was in February of 2000, there was a lot of work behind the scenes, months before that event. A small handful of folks had come together, believing that God would empower us to start a brand new church. Our core group included a wide range of disciples, including a retired rocket scientist, a single mom, a high school dropout, and my family. Looking back, I'm amazed at what God could do through some very naive and idealistic Christians.
As we approach our birthday, I want to share some reflections about this whole journey. I'll be posting some thoughts over the next couple of weeks, looking back on lessons learned and the grace of God. Forgive me for being nostalgic, and let's take a trip down memory lane!