I had a relative who would ask my sister every Thanksgiving,
“How’s your love life?” I lived in fear
that one day she would ask me. I did not
have a good answer. (She never did ask
me, so I was safe.)

How are you loving yourself?
We don’t want to be narcissists, but a healthy love of self
is the foundation of good relationships.
Jesus says that we are worth loving.
But sometimes we argue with him…How are you loving God?
He deserves our whole hearts, and all the rest of us. He loves us so much that he sent his Son to die for us. Loving God is more than sentiment. We need to love him with heart, soul, mind and strength. Much easier said than done.
How are you loving your neighbor?
Again, love is more than sentiment. As Bob Goff says, Love Does. Love is constantly going into action.
How are you loving your family?
They see the best and the worst of us. Let’s tell them and show them we love them,
not just today but every day.