At our Real Ryder bike exercise class this morning, our group
had a new instructor.
She put us through
the paces, and I worked harder than ever.
About the only thing I remember is her saying, “Add more tension!”
“Keep going.”
She had us visualize a bike race in which we
tried to catch up to the leader. We rode up generic hills and mountains.

Although I was not inspired particularly with the workout, I
did push myself harder than ever.
Then I
wondered what a workout would be like if the instructor tailored the talk to
motivate me.
Catching the lead biker is
not that important to me.
I would rather
imagine beating my earlier time.
What if there was a whole class of people who shared my
exact motivational bent? What if the
instructor really knew what makes me work hard?
That would be a cool, fun workout.
Then it dawned on me that God tailors his motivation exactly
to suit me. He does know what makes me
dig deep down and give it all I’ve got. He
delights in meeting me right where I am.
He has put me in a place where I can thrive.
So, here’s the big “aha!”
When I don’t feel motivated, I must be listening to the wrong
voice. When God speaks to me, he’s
speaking exactly my language.