I wish I could remember more of my teenage thoughts. I will have to look through my old journals, dating back to probably age 17; before that, I don't think I wrote down anything but school assignments. (And some of those make me laugh, too.) If I did write anything, I'm sure it's a hoot.
In the teen years, everything seems so intense; every turn of events feels like life or death (OK, especially for the girls). In a few years, those turns of fate look like the turning of the leaves--no big deal, bound to happen. And we can laugh at ourselves.
So, at the end of our lives, or even in heaven, I wonder what we will look back on and laugh.
I cared about that job? I wanted to buy that car? I fretted over that bill? I let that criticism bother me? I thought that mistake would wreck my life? I worried over that tragedy that never happened? I stayed up all night to prepare for that meeting?
I want to go ahead and laugh now.