Sunday, July 1, 2012


Connections intrigue me.  I'm always fascinated when I find connections in places I never expected.  Sometimes words have deeper meaning when you discover the connections with other words.  For example, the word "remember" literally means to piece back together; you put the members (of a body) back together and that is re-membering.

There are tons of connections in the Bible, too.  Melchizedek is first mentioned in Genesis 14, then again in Psalm 110.  The author of Hebrews puts it all together for us in chapter 7.  The depth and meaning of this historical character are much richer when we see the connections.

Today, Richard Stearns, president of World Vision, connects the dots in his past which fit him uniquely for his role leading an international benevolence ministry:  He was raised in a poor family, worked his way through college and graduate programs, and becoming a higly-paid CEO.  When he changed his career path to lead the nonprofit, he could speak from personal experience about poverty, hard work, successful business, and personal sacrifice.  It all fits.

Then there are the smaller connections in daily life: 
-- conversations taking place because "coincidence" brings people together;
-- experiences uniquely equipping someone to handle an emergency situation;
-- opportunities opening a door to share God's love through kindness.

When I notice these connections, I marvel at God and his infinitely complex engineering of circumstances.  He effortlessly puts these situations together.

I have a feeling that these situations abound much more than I ever imagined.  I just need to look for them, and expect to see them.  God opens my eyes to spiritual realities, when I let him.  Then I can see him working and, to my delight, I get to work with him.  That's a great connection.