I am far too slow to learn that. But I am learning it. Here are a few reflections on James 1:2-3.
I see that it is really true, that the hard times test and strengthen our faith. This promise fits well with the one in Romans, that "in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
The deeper the struggle, the greater the character development.
Wallowing in my trials never really helps. If I genuinely trust God, then I can count on him to see me through the hardship, and I can know for certain that I will be better for having been through the wringer.
Trials are never fun, even knowing that they build me up.
Every trial, in my experience, has been worth it.
I hate having the same kinds of trials repeatedly, because I realize that I'm still having to learn the same kinds of lessons.
More trials are coming, but at least I can count it all joy.