Prayer system. I have used notebooks, cards, and electronic devices to prompt me in prayer. I have also used pure memory. Today I got out my prayer index cards again, primarily because of issue no. 2.
Distractions. I realize more and more the profound distraction of all things electronic. Using my phone or computer to display my prayer list can be dangerous. But I don't even need a screen to get distracted. My mind constantly wanders. The prayer system can be a great reminder of the task at hand.
Substance. I need to get real with God. I need to praise him with abandon. I need to ask him for serious intervention. If he is to show his glory in my life, I need to ask boldly. Jesus repeatedly urges us to ask the Father. So rarely do I make a big ask. No wonder I don't see more breakthroughs in prayer.
Jesus really wants to impact this world with his goodness. I want to cooperate on my knees before him.