Friday, February 23, 2024

Checking on the Experiment

The New York Times daily email today noted the trouble with teens and smartphones. They found that the earlier children receive a smartphone, the more likely they are to struggle with mental health. 

A girl receiving her first phone at age 6 has over a 70% chance of experiencing mental health problems. 

We are all part of a grand experiment, a study of what happens to humanity when it has unlimited access to every connection all the time. I blogged about this grand experiment nearly 11 years ago. You can read that post here.  The experiment was just beginning then. The results of the experiment are disturbing.

Back then, we didn't realize how addictive electronic screens could be. Now we see the addiction and the depression, disconnection, bullying, shaming, distraction, insomnia, and loneliness that this technology has facilitated.

We are all lab rats. It's nearly impossible to opt out of the experiment. Those who do opt out look like kooks. But maybe we can at least dial it back. We can realize that our social media apps are actively working to keep us hooked. We can put limits on our screen time. We can turn off our phones.

Maybe you could try one of these ways of disconnecting.

  • Turn off your phone at night.
  • Make a habit of not looking at your phone first thing in the morning. Wait until after your workout or your first cup of coffee.
  • Leave your phone in the car when you go out to eat.
  • Turn off your phone for a couple of hours every Sunday afternoon. And take a nap or take a walk.
  • Remember that the social media companies want to use you to make money. Limit their access to you.
  • Say a prayer whenever scroll through your social media feed. Pray for someone you care about, pray for wisdom, pray for restraint.

We can't stop this experiment, but we can limit our participation. Looks like our mental health depends on it.