Friday, February 2, 2024

Say it now

Tonight a friend shared a dream she had about a mutual acquaintance. He is now deceased. In her dream she saw him before his death and wanted to tell him how to address his health concerns. Then he would not die prematurely. But, alas, she restrained herself, not wanting to mess with the space/time continuum. So she just gave him a big hug.

Indeed love is the universal language. A hug says more than we can possibly communicate with words. 

But words are important, too. There are probably many important things I need to say to various people. I don't want to miss the right time to say the right things. I need to tune in to the Holy Spirit, and trust his leadership in speaking my heart. 

I can communicate love with words and hugs. Mostly, I want to share my heart with those who are close to me.