Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap Day!

How are you celebrating Leap Day?

Will you jump to conclusions?

Take a leap of faith?

Turn over a new leap? (Sorry)

You can clear your biggest hurdles.

You can try the decaffeinated version and just take it one step at a time.

Some Leap Day traditions include women proposing marriage to men, playing Leap Frog, or planning for the next leap year (2028).

I looked up a list of Leap Day celebration ideas, but most of them were quite lame. Which seems sadly ironic for a day of leaping. I saw ideas like cook a meal, take some pictures, make a Leap Day T-shirt, prepare for spring. 

Seriously, "prepare for spring"? I need an extra day in February to inspire me to prepare for spring?

Well for me, I happen to be a the beach today, so I went for a walk and found lots of sea biscuits! We have never before found any of those shells at the shore, and today we saw dozens!

Whatever you do today, lame or not, I hope your Leap Day springs forth with joyful irony and fun memories! 

And as I think of it, I don't really remember any Leap Days from years past. Hmmm.