Saturday, January 27, 2024

All or Nothing

Yes, I have managed to write a blog every day in 2024. For some reason I found it difficult to write blogs last year. I had some good ideas, but never took the time to put words together. I think that I wanted my blogs to be fully persuasive and carefully thought out. I wanted lots of hits, and wanted to address topics that people care about. So, last year I went for (almost) nothing in terms of published writing. 

This year, I'm less concerned about getting lots of hits. I'm going for consistency in writing. It is a discipline for me. Hardly anybody is reading my posts, but oddly, I'm OK with that. 

I'm partly inspired by my daughter, Stephanie Meter, who confesses that she works through her thoughts with her keyboard. Check out her blog here She starts a blog not knowing where it will go. I'm writing every day, kind of wondering where that will take me.

Don't worry, I'll let you know.

These chickens are working closer to "nothing" than "all," in terms of laying eggs...