Monday, January 8, 2024

The call you want to get

We all have a list of people we could call in the middle of the night. At least I hope you have a few folks who could help you out in an emergency, no matter what time it is.

But we also need some people we can call with good news. If you get a new job, have a new baby, get a book published, have a relationship restored--you want to celebrate with somebody.

Maybe we believe the lie that our friends don't really care that much about us. They might help us when we need them, but do they really care about the good stuff? 

I bet you can think of a long list of people from whom you would delight to hear good news. That means you are on other people's list, too. They want to celebrate your good news.

Nothing is more lonely than having good news all by yourself. So, let's share the good news with friends. And when you are on the receiving end, be glad for two things: your friend's good news, and that a friend wants to count on you!