Saturday, January 6, 2024

Bring on the snow

I do love snow. Maybe it brings back memories of school being cancelled. Maybe our few years in Texas and South Georgia made me long for throwing snowballs. 

I do have childhood memories of deep snow and epic sledding. When our children were small, we had some good snows. One time we had a big bon fire, so we could easily warm up without dripping on the kitchen floor.

So we missed an opportunity this morning for some winter weather. Now I'm glad we did not get any ice. That's no fun for anybody. But we could use some snow.

Here in the South, life pretty much shuts down in the snow. People don't know how to drive on slick roads, so most people just hunker down. It's refreshing to take an unexpected break.

Snow brings a deep calm on the world. The dialed-back demands allow us to take a leisurely walk outside. That's when you notice the quiet. You can see the birds flitting around. You can take in the beauty of snow-covered trees and roof lines. Sometimes you see neighbors and have a chance for an actual conversation.

I'm sure I would feel differently about snow if we had weeks on end of shoveling and and sliding. But I dearly love the change of pace that snow days bring. We need a change of pace. 

Bring on the snow!